- Submissions should conform to a double-column, single spaced format.
The Latex style file can be downloaded here.
- To submit, go to http://ees.elsevier.com/cag
and click on "submit paper" in the top menu and log in (you will have to create an account
if you don't have one already).
- Pick "Special issue: SMI 2012" in the drop-down list of article types.
- When prompted to select an Editor, please select "Guest Editors 2012".
- Regarding "Additional Information" please use the following answers:
- Q: How did you learn about the journal?
- A: From Shape Modeling 2012.
- Q: Please provide the names etc...
- A: John Hart and Scott Schaefer (smi.paper.chairs at gmail.com).
- While uploading files, please follow the following order:
Upload 'graphical abstract' (this can simply be any image from your paper).
Upload 'research highlight' (simple text file of a few lines should be sufficient).
Upload paper-pdf using "Manuscript - must not contain any author details".
- Create the submission pdf.
- Read/accept 'ethics in publishing'.
- Check created pdf.
- Approve submission when ready - you will receive email confirmation.
Important Dates
Dec. 2, 2011, Full papers due
Feb. 3, 2012, First review notification
Feb. 24, 2012, Revised papers due
Mar. 9, 2012, Final acceptance notifications
Mar. 16, 2012, Camera-ready papers due
Additional Notes:
- The order of the submission parts is not important!
- The 'graphical abstract' and 'research highlight' are not too important,
only the paper itself will be judged.
- For large files, authors may upload their files to an FTP site.
They can indicate on their submissions that the files are available at the FTP site.
The said site is hosted by Elsevier for large files provided by the authors for their papers.
For further information, you may visit our support and help site:
- If you have a question, contact either Conference chairs
or SMI Paper Chairs .
- Good luck!